What’s Coming in 2013: Comics

Superior Spider-Man first issue cover

Otto Octavius must fill the void that Peter Parker left behind in “Superior Spider-Man.” (Cover property of Marvel Comics)

By: Jacob Elyachar

Happy New Year Everyone!

To kick off 2013 on the right foot, I am starting the year out with a brand new preview series: What’s Coming!  This four-part series will highlight the things that you should keep an ear or an eye out for during the coming year.

Today’s post involves the comic book world.

Here are six projects that will get fans talking….

Superior Spider-Man

As everyone has heard by now, Doctor Octopus’ mind inhabits Peter Parker’s body.  Now that Peter Parker has left the playing field (for now), it is up to Spidey’s greatest opponent to fill the void and the legacy he left behind.   Superior Spider-Man will see the new Spider-Man tackle adversaries including former partners-in-crime Electro and Vulture plus deal with the return of Norman Osborn to the Spider-Man world.    Dan Slott will write the title while Ryan Stegman, Humberto Ramos and Giuseppe Camuncoli will rotate on art duties.


Justice League of America David Finch cover

A new dangerous Justice League will be forming in February. (Cover art by David Finch and property of DC Comics)


Justice League of America

Expect the Justice League to get a darker counterpart as superstar creators Geoff Johns and David Finch introduce a new breed of justice in February.  The new league boasts an all-star line-up of fan-favorites including Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Catwoman, Stargirl and newly minted Green Lantern Simon Baz.  Fans can expect Justice League of America to tackle risky missions and find out why Johns considers Martian Manhunter to be the most dangerous leaguer of them all.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven will relaunch a classic series into the Marvel NOW! universe.  The third volume of the Guardians of the Galaxy will start out with a Point One issue in February that showcases the origin story of the group’s leader: Star-Lord.    Then, the title’s premiere issue will hit stands in March with several key group members: Rocket Raccoon, Drax and Gamora plus a brand new member…. Iron Man!?

Superman 75th Birthday

Scott Snyder and Jim Lee will tackle the Man of Steel just in time to celebrate Superman’s 75th Birthday. (Artwork by Jim Lee; Property of DC Comics)


The Man of Steel will celebrate his 75th birthday in a big way as two of the comic book industry’s biggest heavyweights: Scott Snyder and Jim Lee come together to launch a new series.   While both the title name and release date have not been announced just yet, fans and critics alike are eagerly waiting to pick up the title.


Age of Ultron cover

Ultron returns to the Marvel Universe with a vengeance starting in March. (Artwork by Bryan Hitch; Property of Marvel Comics)

Age of Ultron

Speaking of waiting…. one of Brian Michael Bendis’ most overdue projects will debut in March.  Age of Ultron will be a 10-issue crossover event that will feature artwork from Bryan Hitch, Brandon Peterson and Carlos Pacheco.   If the artwork that has been previewed on sites including Comic Book Resources and Newsarama indicate anything, Age of Ultron looks like it will be another game-changing event that will affect the Marvel Universe.

The Trinity War

One final event that will have fans talking is the long-teased Trinity War that will mark the first major company wide crossover for DC Comics since the publisher relaunched its whole line in 2011.  Since it was first teased in last year’s Free Comic Book Day issue, one plotline of this story shows the disintegration of the Justice League all due to Pandora and her terrible box.

For more information on all things DC Comics, you can visit their website by clicking here: http://www.dccomics.com/

However, if you are a Marvel fan, you can catch up with the latest news about your favorite comics by clicking here: http://marvel.com/


  1. […] If you had not had the chance to read part one of my “What’s Coming” series, click here: https://www.jakes-take.com/2013/01/whats-coming-in-2013-comics/ […]

Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar