“ARROW” Crosses Dark Waters

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Over the past four seasons, Oliver Queen has been trying to take back his hometown, Star City, from the forces of darkness as his alter-ego: The Arrow. After intense, life-changing duels with Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson and Ra’s Al Ghul, Oliver decided to relinquish his secret identity and move on with […]

Diggle vs. Darhk On “ARROW”

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Welcome to the latest episode of Star City Grudge Match! In one corner, Team Arrow member and Oliver Queen’s Man Friday: John Diggle!  In the other corner, the latest baddie to come into Star City and make life hell for everyone: H.I.V.E. leader and former League of Assassins member Damien Darhk. […]

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