Peter Pan delivers a final act of vengeance on “Once Upon A Time”

Peter Pan enacted his final phase of his reign of terror on "Once Upon A Time." (Photo property of ABC)

Peter Pan enacted his final phase of his reign of terror on “Once Upon A Time.” (Photo property of ABC)

By: Jacob Elyachar,

This season, Once Upon A Time transported the show out of Storybrooke and into Neverland!

Several of the show’s greatest heroes and villains joined forces to rescue Henry…who was kidnapped by Greg and Tamera at the behest of Peter Pan.

Pan (who was really Rumple’s father) schemed to take the heart of the Truest Believer (Henry) in order to keep him immortal. Emma, Snow and Regina were able to stop Pan and retrieved Henry’s heart and put it back into his body.

In one final desperate attempt, the villainous brat traded minds with his great-grandson. As Pan-Henry received a hero’s welcome in Storybrooke, Henry was captured by his grandfather and put into Pandora’s Box!  Realizing that something was wrong, Emma requested Gold to release Pan and the truth behind the mind switch was revealed.

After she reunited with her son, the gang rushed to save Regina from Pan-Henry. Unfortunately, they were too late as Pan-Henry knocked out the Evil Queen and took the original curse that transported everyone from the Enchanted Forest to the real world.

Were our heroes (and villains) able to stop Pan? Read on to find out…

It is true! Our heroes and villains were able to stop Pan but not without some hefty consequences.

One consequence was the removal of Mr. Gold! The Dark One dueled his father one final time and stabbed him with his knife.  Pan reverted back to Malcolm and begged his son to start a new life with him. Gold called his bluff and the two of them disappeared in a flashing light.

While Belle and Neal grieved, Regina revealed to Emma and Henry that the price she had to pay in stopping the restarted curse…removing Storybrooke from this plane of existence. Shocked and sad with this development, both Emma and Henry were very hesitant in departing from their loved ones but Regina, Snow and Neal revealed that this was not the end.

As the green smoke slowly gathered, Emma and Henry (with new memories thanks to Regina) made their way out of Storybrooke.  The others returned back to the Enchanted Forest.

The show jumps forward one year later as Hook arrived at Emma’s doorsteps warning them about the impending danger.  Unfortunately, Emma does not remember him and told her former lover to leave!


Rebecca Mader Wicked Witch of the West Once Upon A Time

Can Captain Hook make Emma and Henry remember before the Wicked Witch of the West (Rebecca Mader) destroys their family? Find out next season on “Once Upon A Time!” (Photo property of ABC)

“Once Upon A Time” returns on March 22 with non-stop new episodes and a new threat: the Wicked Witch of the West (Rebecca Mader)!

Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar